eBook – Building an LMS Business Case for External Training

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Thought Industries
November 27, 2019

The LMS is mission critical. It is the foundation of a professional training business where monetization of training and online courses is the most important thing. When you determine that it’s time to adopt a learning management system, or change to a new LMS, it’s critical to pick the right one for you.

We have found that the discipline of developing a business case forces a company to come to terms with issues such as:

  • How do we assess our current business? What is working and what is not? Can we articulate our use case?
  • What is the vision for the company going forward? What is needed to get there and what is forecasted revenue?
  • How do we justify the LMS decision by calculating return on investment (ROI)? 

The information and guidance you need, from Thought Industries

The process, when done per the recommendations in Thought Industries new eBook, “How to Build an LMS Business Case for External Training,” becomes both cooperative and comprehensive. Important functional areas and constituencies are essential contributors, and present carefully thought out recommendations and their financial implications to senior management.
We’ve put our best minds and all our experiences, some good and some lessons into this eBook to help ensure your success in building a business case for a training business LMS. Here are just some of the guidelines and information included:

  • 9 essential elements of a successful LMS business case
  • 3 steps to getting the process going
  • 5 essential topics to probe
  • The most important ingredient in the LMS business case
  • 6 key contributing factors of scalability and monetization of training
  • How to calculate the ROI of an LMS for professional training

And lastly, 3 critical success factors to presenting the business case and getting the green light for new learning technology.

We invest in you

We strive to be a partner, a contributor to your overall success, light years more than a vendor – and we invest in this vision. We have an extensive library of insightful easy-to-read articles and eBooks that are designed to illuminate critical issues and provide direction in solving them. You can access our library HERE.
How to Build an LMS Business Case for External Training is available now, for free.
You need to make the right LMS decision. This process works. It’s the accumulated wisdom and experience of seasoned professionals. Get it now, below.


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